Become a Reseller


Amp Up Your Real Estate Websites by Becoming an SEO RETS Reseller

If you are a website developer or even just an account rep in the real estate industry, you may be a perfect candidate for our reseller program.  The SEO RETS WordPress plugin makes development of real estate websites a breeze. It’s the quickest and easiest way to add a real-time MLS feed your client websites. You don’t have to be proficient in HTML, CSS or other complicated coding to use our platform.

Build your recurring revenue base

Our reseller vendors take advantage of a variety of perks, while building their recurring revenue base. Once you’re approved as an SEO RETS reseller we give you a discount on all monthly subscriptions.

Take advantage of the following reseller perks:

  • Deeply Discounted SEO RETS Subscriptions
  • First Line Tech Support
  • Ability to Submit Features Directly to our Development Team.
  • Sales and Marketing Support
  • Web Agencies Receive a Profile and Logo on our Vendors Page

We provide you with the SEO RETS feeds at a discounted rate, and you decide what to charge your customers. Through our network of web and marketing vendors we can even help with website setup and design, SEO, website hosting and domain registration as needed. We will bill you monthly at the discounted rate for the number of subscriptions you use, then you will be responsible for collecting payment directly from your customers.

Here is what is required from you

  • You must begin with the need for at least five API Keys.
  • Fill out the form below.
  • Once approved, we’ll send you our reseller agreement to be signed and returned.
  • We bill you monthly for the number of API Keys you are using.

There are just a few rules to follow

  • One API Key is granted per URL. Each of the API Keys we provide to you is valid for only one website.  Do not use the same Key on more than one site, including iframes or other similar techniques. Each API Key must be used for a licensed real estate agent or broker website.
  • Don’t resell to another reseller.  Each API Key is for your customer, whom you are responsible for, not for another web agency or vendor.  (They simply have to sign a reseller agreement with us in order to participate in the program.)
  • Please don’t use our branding, name or logo in spam emails or other shady marketing campaigns.
  • Give us 30 day notice when removing a Key from your account.

Get Started!